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Forest Sunrays

Free Discovery Readings

Dipping your toes into something like tarot or the intuitive arts can feel like venturing into uncharted waters. It's okay to have questions, doubts, and uncertainties – that's all part of the journey. Just remember, exploring this realm is all about self-discovery, insight, and personal growth. It's a unique opportunity to connect with your own intuition and explore the mysteries that lie within.

No, the Death card doesn't mean you're going to die...

Are you curious about tarot but unsure about its myths? Tarot isn't about predicting doom or requiring special gifts. It's a tool for self-discovery, not evil, and its power comes from your intention, not psychic abilities. Let's demystify these misconceptions together.


1. "You have to be gifted your first deck!"

This is a common misconception, but it's not true. While receiving a tarot deck as a gift can be a meaningful gesture, anyone can purchase their own deck. The connection you build with your deck comes from your intention, respect, and understanding of its symbolism.


2. "Tarot tells the future!"

Tarot doesn't provide fixed predictions. It offers insights into current energies, helping you make informed choices. Your actions and decisions can influence outcomes, making tarot more about guidance than absolute fortune-telling.


3. "Tarot can bring in bad energy!"

Tarot is a tool, and like any tool, it holds the energy you put into it. Maintaining a positive and respectful mindset while using tarot ensures that you're inviting constructive energies into your practice.


4. "Tarot is EVIL!"

This is a misconception rooted in misunderstanding. Tarot itself isn't evil; it's a tool for self-discovery and reflection. How you use tarot determines its impact. Intentions and ethical considerations matter far more than the cards themselves.


5. "The DEATH card means someone is going to DIE!!!!!"

The Death card is often misunderstood. It symbolizes transformation, change, and rebirth rather than literal death. Tarot cards convey symbolic meanings, and interpretations depend on context and the spread used.


6. "You have to be psychic to use tarot."

You don't need to be psychic to read tarot. Developing intuition helps, but anyone can learn to read the cards with practice, study, and an open mind. Intuition grows as you become more familiar with the cards and their symbolism.


These themes highlight some common misconceptions about tarot. Remember that tarot is a tool for introspection, self-awareness, and personal growth. Approaching it with an open mind and respectful intentions allows you to embrace its benefits and insights while dispelling misunderstandings.

Raise Those Vibes

If you're curious but hesitant, I have a suggestion that might make the experience more comfortable for you. There's a wonderfully friendly and accepting Facebook group we've created called "Raise Those Vibes" where you can dip your toes into the world of tarot and the intuitive arts with a no-obligation, non-intrusive discovery read on our "Magic Mondays" @ 8 p.m. You can join the Facebook live event, ask for a free 1-card read, and see what it's all about. The group is a safe space where you can ask questions, get insights, and learn at your own pace. The members there are all about supporting each other and creating a positive environment for exploration.

Think of it as a cup of warm tea on a chilly day – a gentle introduction to something new and intriguing. You'll have the chance to experience a taste of what tarot offers, without any pressure or expectations. Remember, this is all about your journey, your comfort, and your curiosity. So, if you're open to it, why not give it a try and see where this little adventure takes you? Who knows, you might uncover insights that resonate deeply or simply enjoy a new way to reflect on life's questions.


No matter what you decide, remember that the journey is yours to embrace in your own time and on your own terms.

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Forest Mist

In December of 2020, my boyfriend passed away unexpectedly and left me devastated. A close friend of mine suggested that I reach out to Monica for some advice and comfort through her Tarot readings.

Monica gave me the answers I was seeking and the comfort to be able to cope with everyday life. I was able to find peace within her words and am grateful for her helping me during this very challenging time in my life.


Even today, I often connect with Monica when I am in need of guidance, confirmation, or am searching for answers. She is amazing and I am so blessed that she has been able to be a part of my journey with me."

- H. Wheeler

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